Vocational education standards include modules and learning outcomes
On 19 September 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to the regulation regarding the state vocational secondary education standard and the state vocational education standard introducing modules and learning outcomes.
Reduces requirements of teaching knowledge for WBL tutors in companies
On 12 September 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to the procedure for organizing and implementing work based learning (WBL), which defines requirements of teaching knowledge for WBL tutors in companies.
Now they will be able to acquire teaching competences not only in the 72-hour learning programme for teachers, but also in the shorter 32-hour learning programme for WBL tutors.
The regulations of modular vocational education are adopted
On 22 June 2017, the Saeima (the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia) adopted amendments to the Vocational Education Law, which define the general regulation of modular vocational education. The amendments define the module as part of the professional qualification. The module is based on achievable learning outcomes as an appreciable and demonstrable set of knowledge, skills and competences.
The amendments to the Regulations on the State Vocational Secondary Education Standard and the State Industrial Education Standard were announced at the meeting of State Secretaries
On 6 April 2017 the amendments to the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 211 (adopted 27 June 2000) “Regulations regarding the State Vocational Secondary Education Standard and the State Industrial Education Standard” developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and National Centre for Education were announced at the meeting of State Secretaries for the approval by the institutions. In contrast to the existing regulations, the amendments state that mandatory professional content of vocational secondary education and industrial education will further also include professional competence teaching/learning courses (modules) which are based on the achieved learning outcomes. Read the rest of this entry »
Occupational standards will be approved by Tripartite Cooperation Sub-council of Vocational Education and Employment
On 14 March 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments in Vocational Education Law, according to which National Tripartite Cooperation Council’s Tripartite Cooperation Sub-council of Vocational Education and Employment has the rights to approve occupational standards, requirements of the professional qualification (if occupational standard for the profession is not approved) and sectoral qualifications frameworks. Whereas, the Cabinet of Ministers will determine the mandatory applicable list of occupational standards and professional qualification requirements. Read the rest of this entry »
New procedures for accrediting education institutions and evaluating heads of education institutions
On 20 December 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a new regulation “Procedure for accrediting education institutions, examination centres and other institutions, general and vocational education programmes specified by the Education Law, and for evaluating the professional activity of heads of secondary schools affiliated to state higher education institutions and heads of state and municipal education institutions” that henceforth regulates the accreditation of educational institutions and educational programmes, as well as the assessment procedures of the heads of educational institutions. Read the rest of this entry »
From 1st January 2017, documents certifying vocational education and vocational qualifications will include reference to the corresponding LQF level
On April 5, 2016 The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.194 “Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.451 of June 21, 2005 “Procedures by which state-recognised documents certifying vocational education and vocational qualification and documents certifying acquisition of a part of an accredited vocational education programme are issued””.
The amendments to Education Law sets legal framework for the LQF
On June 18, 2015, the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) adopted amendments to the Education Law. The law is supplemented with a new article on the Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF, article 81). LQF is defined as system of eight levels, which imparts basic, secondary and higher education stages and all the types (general, vocational/professional, academic) of education, as well as professional qualifications obtained outside the formal education system.
The professional qualifications levels referenced to the levels of Latvian Qualifications Framework
On April 23, 2015 Parliament of the Republic of Latvia (Saeima) adopted amendments to the Vocational Education Law. Several of the adopted amendments concern correspondence of professional qualifications and their levels to the Latvian Qualifications Framework (referenced to the EQF in 2011).
Establishing legal framework for employers’ participation in the development and implementation of vocational education
On April 23, 2015 the Parliament of Latvia adopted several amendments to the Vocational Education Law, which is the main legal regulation in vocational education sector. The introduced amendments increase the compliance of vocational education with labour market needs at sectoral, institutional and education programme implementation level.