The regulations of modular vocational education are adopted
On 22 June 2017, the Saeima (the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia) adopted amendments to the Vocational Education Law, which define the general regulation of modular vocational education. The amendments define the module as part of the professional qualification. The module is based on achievable learning outcomes as an appreciable and demonstrable set of knowledge, skills and competences.
The Classification of the Latvian Education includes Latvian qualifications framework levels
On 13 June 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted new regulation on the Classification of the Latvian Education. The regulation was developed for comparing the Classification of the Latvian Education with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013), as well as regulation defines the levels of the Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF) in accordance with the descriptions of knowledge, skills and competences. Read the rest of this entry »
The amendments to Education Law sets legal framework for the LQF
On June 18, 2015, the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) adopted amendments to the Education Law. The law is supplemented with a new article on the Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF, article 81). LQF is defined as system of eight levels, which imparts basic, secondary and higher education stages and all the types (general, vocational/professional, academic) of education, as well as professional qualifications obtained outside the formal education system.
The professional qualifications levels referenced to the levels of Latvian Qualifications Framework
On April 23, 2015 Parliament of the Republic of Latvia (Saeima) adopted amendments to the Vocational Education Law. Several of the adopted amendments concern correspondence of professional qualifications and their levels to the Latvian Qualifications Framework (referenced to the EQF in 2011).
Establishing legal framework for employers’ participation in the development and implementation of vocational education
On April 23, 2015 the Parliament of Latvia adopted several amendments to the Vocational Education Law, which is the main legal regulation in vocational education sector. The introduced amendments increase the compliance of vocational education with labour market needs at sectoral, institutional and education programme implementation level.
Government supports the second round for modernising vocational education establishments (22.01.2013)
On 22 January 2013, the government approved the project of Cabinet Regulations “Regulations on implementing the second project selection round of the Action Programme “Infrastructure and Services” supplement activity “Modernisation of education facilities and improvement of infrastructure for implementing vocational education programmes””, which was elaborated by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Amendments to the Vocational Education Law were approved (19.04.2012)
On April 19 (2012), Saeima (the Parliament of Latvia) approved amendments to the Vocational Education Law that was initially approved in 1999. These amendments refer to the titles of vocational education establishments regarding education level and qualification they provide, i.e., vocational basic school, vocational school, vocational secondary school, technical school (tehnikums), and college.
Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the recognition of learning outcomes acquired in the previous education and professional experience were approved (10.01.2012)
On January 10 (2012) the Cabinet of Ministers approved Regulations “Regulations of recognizing the learning outcomes acquired in the previous education and professional experience” (in force since January 13) that were issued in accordance with the Law on Higher Education Institutions, Article 592, Part 5 (1995, amendments in force since 1.08.2011). These Regulations determine the procedures for the assessment and recognition of learning outcomes (for higher education level) obtained during the previous education or professional experience, as well as criteria for recognition.