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In terms of an ESF project, 14 sectoral descriptions and qualifications structures were elaborated (2012)

The State Education Development Agency that coordinates the ESF project “Development of sectoral qualifications system and increasing the efficiency and quality of vocational education” (01.12.2010-30.11.2013) has published sectoral descriptions and qualification structures in fourteen sectors elaborated within the project.

During the project, the following sectors were explored:

  1. Construction;
  2. Power industry;
  3. Timber industry;
  4. Chemical industry;
  5. Agriculture;
  6. Metal working and mechanical engineering industry;
  7. Food industry;
  8. Beauty industry;
  9. Textiles, clothing, leather and leather production industry;
  10. Tourism;
  11. Business, financial, accounting, administration industry;
  12. Electronic and optical equipment manufacturing, information and communication technology;
  13. Transport and logistics;
  14. Printing and publishing industry, paper and paper products manufacturing, computer design.

The published materials are available on the Agency’s website in the project section (LV).

The State Education Development Agency implements the project in cooperation with four partners – the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, the National Centre for Education, and the State Education Quality Service.

More information about the project is here (LV).

Source: VIAA


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