The Diploma Supplement – the first Latvian educational document with references to Latvian / European Qualification Framework Levels.
New regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 202 ‘’Procedures by which State Recognised Education Documents Certifying Higher Education are Issued” (16.04.2013), entered in force in April 19,2013, and it updates the Higher Education Diploma Supplement according to the Latvian Education System that is linked to European Qualification Framework.
In new diploma supplements in subdivision 3 “information specifying the qualification level” the qualification level should be indicated according to the information given in subdivision 8, by specifying Latvian Qualification Level, European/Latvian Qualification Framework level or EHEA qualification framework level.
But in subdivision 8 “Information on the national higher education system” is mentioned that according to the Latvian legislation higher education study programmes are included in Latvian Qualification Framework and corresponds to European Qualification Framework levels. In this subdivision included the higher education system of the Republic of Latvia has been updated with Latvian/European Qualification Framework levels. There is also included new table with the higher education certificate disposition according to Latvian/European Qualification Framework levels.
New Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers also regulates the procedure of the issue of higher education institutions joint degrees.
Source: MK