Occupational standards will be approved by Tripartite Cooperation Sub-council of Vocational Education and Employment
On 14 March 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments in Vocational Education Law, according to which National Tripartite Cooperation Council’s Tripartite Cooperation Sub-council of Vocational Education and Employment has the rights to approve occupational standards, requirements of the professional qualification (if occupational standard for the profession is not approved) and sectoral qualifications frameworks. Whereas, the Cabinet of Ministers will determine the mandatory applicable list of occupational standards and professional qualification requirements.
This will speed up the development and harmonization process of occupational standards, and will ensure that education system is flexible and responds quickly to the changes in the labour market by adapting to it the content of vocational education.
The new procedure for the development of the occupational standard, professional qualification requirements (if occupational standard for the profession is not approved) and sectoral qualifications frameworks was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on 27 September 2016. It provides for purposefully defining the labour market requirements within the sector and determines developing of vocational standards, professional qualification requirements and sectoral qualification frameworks in accordance to the Latvian Qualifications Framework (LQF), indicating its level. LQF level is expressed in learning outcomes: knowledge, skills, competence, autonomy and responsibility. National Centre for Education of Latvia organizes the development of the occupational standards and professional qualification requirements in accordance to the LQF level 2 to 5, but Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia – in accordance to the LQF level 6 to 7.
The occupational standards and professional qualification requirements are published on the website of the National Centre for Education (in Latvian).
The draft law “Amendments in Vocational Education Law” is available here (in Latvian). It still must be approved by the Saeima.
The Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 633 Procedure of developing occupational standard, professional qualification requirements (if occupational standard for the profession is not approved) and sectoral qualifications framework is available here (in Latvian).
Source: Cabinet of Ministers
Tags: Amendments, CoM, Vocational education