Lifelong learning competence improvement modules in adult education
In order to offer possibilities to improve lifelong learning competences, in the course of 2018, sectoral experts and vocational education experts have established recommendations for developing adult education for the improvement of general skills based on key competences for lifelong learning.
In line with what general skills need to be developed for workers in each sector, vocational education experts developed 20 adult education modules, including language competence, digital competence, business competence, mathematical competence and competence in natural sciences, technology and engineering, cultural awareness and expression competence, personal, social and learning competence, and a new one – sustainability competence.
Content of the modules is developed according to sectoral needs, key competences in lifelong learning, as well as, adult education needs. Part of the modules developed are sector specific, for example, “Professional English language for mechanics”, “Application of information technology software in electrical power”, “Effective working methods in mechanised logging”. Other modules are developed for improving key competences regardless of sector, for example, “Team work management ABC”, “Financial and information literacy for adults”, “Digital skills for work”. Some modules combine several competences, for example, “Mathematical, engineering and business competencies in electrical engineering”, and according to “Methodological recommendations for the development of modular vocational education programmes” (2015) adult education providers have the opportunity to:
- implement one single module (developing the curriculum according to the number of hours);
- integrate content of the modules into other lifelong learning modules by combining several modules into one;
- to develop the content of professional development education programmes by combining several modules;
- include modules in part B or C of the continuing vocational education programme in the lifelong learning competences section.
The development of modules for the improvement of key competencies in adult education was organised by the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) within the framework of the Erasmus + project “National coordinators for the implementation of the European agenda for adult learning”.
Modules in Latvian are published on
Source: MoES