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Proposals for increasing the volume of apprenticeships have been prepared

On April 2, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers reviewed the informative report “On implementation and development of work-based learning system to increase work-based learning volume in vocational education system” prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The report provides information on the legal framework for apprenticeship type schemes and the analyses on the introduction of apprenticeship type schemes. The legal framework for apprenticeship type schemes was approved from 2015 to 2016. On January 27, 2017 Employers’ Confederation of Latvia launched the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” implementation of the specific support objective 8.5.1 “Increase the number of students in qualified vocational education institutions by their participation in work-based learning or in-company training”.

In 2017 – 300 students participated in apprenticeships, but in 2018 – 1199 students, who mostly are young people aged 17 to 19. Over the course of two years, 25 vocational education institutions have updated a total of 251 vocational education programmes, while only 20 vocational education institutions are implementing apprenticeship type schemes. On January 11, 2019, education programmes were updated for apprenticeship type schemes in 90 qualifications.

Apprenticeship type schemes are implemented by 329 enterprises, of which 75% are micro or small enterprises. 68% of all enterprises represent three sectors – beauty sector, tourism sector and metalworking, mechanical and engineering sector (including mechanics). During the apprenticeships 46% of participating enterprises had an employment contract with students, while 54% had a scholarship agreement.

The report includes the results of a survey conducted in December 2018 and January 2019 in collaboration with the University of Latvia. Representatives of the enterprises, vocational education institutions involved in apprenticeship type schemes and students were surveyed to provide a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the issue from the perspective of different target groups.

The report was concluded with recommendations for increasing volume of apprenticeship type schemes in the country.

The report in Latvian is available here.

Source: Cabinet of Ministers


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