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The Latvian Self-Assessment Report on referencing the national qualifications to EQF has been published

The Self-Assessment Report “Referencing of the Latvian Education System to the EQF for Lifelong Learning and the QF/EHEA” focuses on the referencing process of the Latvian qualifications to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and to the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (QF/EHEA).

The contents of the Report includes:

  • Introduction – the aim and developments of referencing process; the education reforms of the European scale that influenced the Latvian referencing process are outlined; and the referencing criteria according to which the national qualifications are linked to the EQF and the QF/EHEA.
  • I Part – description of the Latvian education system; the Latvian professional qualification levels; the meaning of occupational standards in introducing learning outcomes in education; the inclusion of learning outcomes in higher education; development of recognition system for prior education; as well as the quality assurance system in education.
  • II Part – the placement of the Latvian qualifications within the EQF; the referencing process in Latvia according to the EQF and the Bologna Process criteria; and further educational reforms, which will be followed by the 2nd phase of the referencing process.
  • Appendices.

The full text of the Report is here.

Source: Latvian NCP for EQF

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