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Seminar for youth career specialists “Topicalities, tendencies and forecasts of labour market” (13.04.2012)

On April 13 (2012) the Information and Career Guidance Department of the State Education Development Agency in terms of Euroguidance programme arranges the seminar “Topicalities, tendencies and forecasts of labour market”, which will be held at the State Administration School in Riga (Latvia). The target group for this seminar is career consultants and school teaching staff that are specialised in promoting support for youth career development.

During the seminar, experts from Labour Department of the Ministry of Welfare will describe economic situation in Latvia, development tendencies in economic sectors, correspondence between labour force demand and supply, labour market short-term forecasts, as well as main directions for job seekers’ learning activities. Also issues related to the EU experts’ labour force forecasts, youth unemployment and tools for supporting youth employment will be analysed and discussed.

More information and application form is available here (LV).

Source: VIAA


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