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Latvia wins again in the international students’ skill competition “Knauf Junior Trophy” (5.-8.06.2012)

On 5-8 June 2012, the 12th international vocational education students’ skill competition “Knauf Junior Trophy 2012” was held at Riga Secondary School of Arts and Crafts in Riga, Latvia. This event is targeted at vocational education students of construction dry structure sector. In the contest, for the second year in a row the Latvian team – students Aleksandrs Pasečniks and Staņislavs Stankevičs (teacher Aleksandrs Boginskis) from the Daugavpils Vocational Secondary School of Builders – won the first place in the competition of 15 countries, and as a prize, they received tablet PCs. The 2nd and 3rd places were gained by the Lithuanian and Austrian teams accordingly.

The aim of this competition is to popularise the advantages of Knauf’s dry construction system among the construction sector vocational education students as future specialists. The competition, which includes both theoretical and practical tasks, is a challenge for the young specialists for them to test and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in construction sector.

Šī konkursa mērķis ir Knauf sausās būves sistēmas priekšrocību popularizēšana būvniecības specialitātes profesionālās izglītības iestāžu audzēkņu – topošo speciālistu vidū. Konkurss, kas ietver gan teorētiskus, gan praktiskus uzdevumus, ir izaicinājums jaunajiem meistariem, lai tie pārbaudītu un parādītu savas zināšanas un prasmes būvniecības nozarē.

The first competition “Knauf Junior Trophy” was arranged in 2000 in Latvia. During the twelve years of its existence, the event has gathered participants also in Estonia, Poland, Serbia, Croatia, Austria and Switzerland. Thanks to the victory of the Latvian team in the last year in Switzerland, this year the event was held in Latvia again.

This year in the competition teams from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Latvia participated.

The competition website on Facebook.

Source: Knauf


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