„Q Placements” – project for quality apprenticeships in vocational education
Latvia is in the start of realising EU Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project „Q-Placements: VET-Enterprise Cooperation for Quality Assurance of VET Placements and Apprenticeships: Introducing Q-Placements Model” (from November 2013 to October 2015).
Project aims to improve the quality of local and international vocational education apprenticeships. In order to achieve the proposed goal it is intended to strengthen the cooperation between vocational education institutions and enterprises (host companies) and also to improve the skills of internship tutors. Q Placements project will also review the quality of work placements in the context of national vocational education quality assurance systems and EQAVET. Project is implemented by 6 partners: Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National Centre for Education and Consultation Centre “Baltic Bright” (Latvia), The Netherlands Association of VET Colleges “MBO Raad” (Netherlands), Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (Slovenia) and Terrassa Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Spain). Within the project training methodology and support materials for apprenticeships tutors will be prepared, also joint training for tutors from vocational education institutions and host companies will be offered. Training sessions will be organized in Latvia, Netherlands, Spain and Slovenia.