Latvian ”Green Skills” in the UNESCO-UNEVOC Regional Forum
The UNESCO-UNEVOC Regional Forum for Europe and North America „Advancing TVET for Youth Employability and Sustainable Development” was held in 28-30 October 2013, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Delegates shared and discussed evidence-based examples of Promising Practices; challenges and advances in programmes and projects on youth skills, employability and transition to the workplace; opportunities to integrate ecological considerations and sustainable development in training; and ways to identify new training profiles where green skills would be of increasing importance in the future. They also sought to enhance regional harmonization through international dialogue and aimed at making progress on these global issues mentioned above. Nine innovative Promising Practices were presented at the meeting from Canada, Norway, Germany, USA, Russia, Latvia and Finland.
Baiba Ramina, Director of Academic Information Center (Riga, Latvia) was invited to the forum to present a three-country (Latvia, Italy, Greece) project called GECO – „Green Economy and Competencies of Organizations” (2011-2012). The project aim was to develop understanding and improve knowledge about competences needed for green jobs. By developing a module „Green Skills” that can be used as a standalone in TVET or integrated into a range of courses, green competencies could become an integral part of the education process. The module „Green Skills” authors are Latvian project team members led by the National Centre for Education.