HansaVET Journeyman Travel: Guide for VET mobility organizers
The guide for VET mobility organizers „HansaVet Journeyman Travel” is one of the results of EU Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project HansaVET: Hanseatic Tradition for VET: Mobility Strategies for Promoting Entrepreneurship Skills of VET Students.
The guide was implemented by Project partners – National Centre for Education, Latvia; NordenAssociation, Sweden; Baltic Bright, Latvia; Hanseatic Parliament, Germany; Tartu Vocational Education Centre, Estonia and Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. The „HansaVET Journeyman Travel” will serve as a guide for VET teachers, trainers and VET mobility coordinators to help them prepare and support their students during international and local work placements. The Guide includes two essential methods – coaching and matching and a short set of instructions on how to use the methodology. The Guide was piloted during 11 national seminars attended by 231 VET school representatives – directors, deputies, mobility organizers and teachers from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Sweden.
The Guide is available in English, German, Lithuanian, Estonian, Swedish.