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Recommendations for adult non-formal education programme development

The Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) has developed recommendations for adult non-formal education programmes for implementers and local government employees regarding the development and licensing of adult non-formal education programmes.

The recommendations include the stages of developing an adult non-formal education programme – identification of the need for adult non-formal education programme, the description and needs of the target group (adults) to be educated, determination of learning outcomes, content of the programmes and their development steps, as well as a description of recommended teaching methods and resources, and approaches to assessing learning outcomes. The material also includes recommendations for the development of licensing procedures for adult non-formal education programmes and annexes.

The recommendations for adult non-formal education programme implementers and local government employees were developed within Erasmus+ project “National coordinators for the implementation of the European agenda for adult learning”.

The recommendations are published on the MoES adult education page (in Latvian).


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