Reflection on the conference “The Role of Sectors and Employers in the Development of Vocational Education” (19.01.2012)
On January 19 (2012), the State Education Development Agency in cooperation with the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, National Centre for Education, and State Education Quality Service organized the conference “The Role of Sectors and Employers in the Development of Vocational Education”.
The event was attended by 220 participants, including minister of economics Mr Daniels Pavļuts; minister of welfare Ms Ilze Viņķele; Mr Jānis Gaigals, Director of Vocational Education and General Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science; representatives of 12 Sectoral Expert Councils established in terms of ESF project “Development of sectoral qualifications system and increasing the efficiency and quality of vocational education”; managers of enterprises; representatives from sectoral professional organizations; as well as heads of vocational education establishments and colleges.
During the conference research process and initial research results in 12 most important economic sectors were presented and also tasks of the Sectoral Expert Councils were outlined. Furthermore, four Sectoral Expert Councils informed about their involvement in the issues related to vocational education. The mentioned 12 sectors, which were stated by the Ministry of Economics, are as follows:
- Chemical and related industry (chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology, environment);
- Textiles, clothing, leather and leather production industry;
- Power industry;
- Tourism industry;
- Beauty industry;
- Construction sector;
- Timber (forestry, wood processing) industry;
- Food industry;
- Agricultural sector;
- Metal working and mechanical engineering industry;
- Industry of electronic and optical equipment manufacturing, information and communication technology;
- Business, financial, accounting, administration (wholesale and retail trade, commerce) industry.
See the summary of Conference here (LV).
The Conference materials are available here (LV).
More information about the project is here (LV).
Source: VIAA
Tags: Events, Labour market, Social partners, Vocational education