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Vocational education standards include modules and learning outcomes

On 19 September 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to the regulation regarding the state vocational secondary education standard and the state vocational education standard introducing modules and learning outcomes.

The introduction of a more modular approach to education programmes is expected, therefore modifications to the compulsory professional content of vocational secondary education and vocational education also require modules. The modules are based on learning outcomes, consisting of an assessment and demonstration of a combination of knowledge, skills and competences.

For the implementation of more qualitative content of vocational education, amendments determine the strategic objective of vocational secondary education and vocational education programmes also that – as a result of acquiring educational programmes, students achieve learning outcomes that include knowledge, skills, attitudes defined by occupational standards or professional qualification requirements (if occupational standard for the profession does not need to be developed), of which follows the practical content of the vocational subjects or modules and qualification practice training.

The amendments also state that professional content of vocational secondary education and vocational education programmess can be acquired on-the-job environment through a work based learning.

The amendments came into the force on 22 September 2017.
The Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 211 “Regulations regarding the State Vocational Secondary Education Standard and the State Vocational Education Standard” (27 June 2000) is available here (in Latvian).


Source: Cabinet of Ministers


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