Discussion of experts from the Baltic States on vocational education issues
On May 13, 2011, in the city of Ventspils (western part of Latvia) in terms of the ESF project “Promoting the Attractiveness of Initial Vocational Education” experts’ discussion called “The Attractiveness of vocational education – opportunities, challenges and solutions” was arranged. The participants of this discussion were the representatives from the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian education ministries, sectoral associations, social partners’ organizations and vocational schools. The event was opened by Mr Rolands Broks, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia.
The Lithuanian and Estonian representatives shared their experiences how to make young people interested in vocational education. They pointed out the stereotypes concerning vocational education and general education, competition between vocational schools to attract more students, as well as the prevailing view of the society that higher education provides the best opportunities in the labour market.
The role of cooperation between enterprises and schools was highlighted during thee discussion. The employers indicated that it was necessary to demonstrate professional employment opportunities to students not only in Latvian, but also in other countries. The previous experience of the countries shows that the school has become more open to business environment and employers have to be more involved in developing education programmes. Thus, vocational training will become more attractive and valuable for young people. The experts acknowledged that the economic situation often raises issues related to the places of practical training in enterprises and the alumni’s future career possibilities.
During the discussion also the opportunities of leisure and sports activities provided at vocational schools for their students were explored, which are important for personal development. Furthermore, other essential knowledge and skills necessary for potential employee – about job security, work rights and obligations, which may gain youth attention by implementing various competitions and projects.
In the Baltic countries, the context of vocational education is similar both concerning its situation and challenges; therefore, the participants of discussion decided that it is necessary to promote cooperation in order to avoid duplication of various initiatives and to arrange united movement towards common goals.
The foresaid project is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the State Education Development Agency and accredited vocational education establishments located across the entire territory of Latvia.
Source: MoES, www.izm.gov.lv