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Presentation of the OECD report “OECD Skills Strategy Latvia: Assessment and Recommendations”

The presentation of National Skills Strategy of Latvia OECD report “OECD Skills Strategy Latvia: Assessment and Recommendations” took place on 19 December 2019, during which a presentation and a panel discussion on conclusions and recommendations of the report took place. The presentation highlighted four priority areas for improving Latvia’s skills performance, with the following recommendations:

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Winners of WorldSkills 2019 to be awarded

On 26 November 2019, Cabinet of Ministers issued an order on awarding Cabinet of Ministers Diplomas and prize money for three team members of SkillsLatvia whose achievements were awarded with medals of excellence. Diplomas and prize money will also be received by team experts on the preparation of the rewarded young people for the competition. The total prize money to be awarded is EUR 4200.

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In the fourth round of applications more than 9000 employed has started adult education

Groups for learning have been formed resulting in more than 9000 employees enrolled in 66 education institutions. In parallel with the learning, the development of education programmes for the next round is under way.

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International conference on apprenticeships

International conference “Trainers ­– the key to apprenticeship success?” was organised by the Ministry of Education and Science on 30 October 2019.

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Career Week has concluded

Career Week took place from October 14 to 18, which gathered more than 137 000 young people in 83 cities across Latvia. This year’s events focused on career choices and future occupations, highlighting the role of artificial intelligence and technology in the future labour market. Career Week events included discussions with industry professionals, interactive classes, workshops, open days and creative workshops.

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Opportunity to apply for ECVET regional seminars

Currently registration is open for ECVET regional seminars in Daugavpils and Cesis. Regional seminars “Why ECVET” are organised by State Education Development Agency (SEDA) and everyone is invited to join. In ECVET seminars the participants will have an opportunity to learn about European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) and get answers to questions of interest.

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Latvia has significant growth in employment of secondary and higher education graduates

On 26 September 2019, European Commission published yearly report “Education and Training Monitor”, in which Latvia has achieved higher results than other Member States of the European Union in several indicators in the field of education.

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Erasmus+ mobility charters awarded

In 20 September 2019, State Education Development Agency (SEDA) awarded Erasmus+ Vocational Education and Training Mobility Charters to Ventspils Technical School, Melnava College and Vocational school “Victoria”.

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Latvia achieved high success in WorldSkills 2019 competition

In the world’s largest and most prestigious contest for young professionals WorldSkills 2019, the Latvian team won three medals for excellence. The competition concluded on 27 August 2019 in Kazan, Russia.

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The final admission for Youth guarantee has begun

Until August 30, unemployed young people aged 17 to 29 who have acquired secondary education can apply for Youth guarantee vocational education programmes in 22 vocational schools in 40 occupations. Participation in these programmes which is free of charge and lasts one and a half year.

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