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State Service of Education Quality will coordinate implementation of EQAVET

In May 1, 2013 the State Service of Education Quality new regulation (Cabinet of Ministers Nr.225, Riga, April23, 2013) entered into force.

In regulations there is defined State Service of Education Quality new aim- to provide with qualitative and legal education by monitoring the quality of education and providing support to all kinds and levels of educational institutions when implementing monitoring in the educational process.

Education quality monitoring system development is connected with necessity to advance current evaluation of external education quality system, by providing the design and development of the evaluation system.The new regulation states SSEQ functions, tasks, rights, structure, the competences of the head of the service, as well as the service operations of justice and terms of reference. One of the SSEQ new tasks is to coordinate European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) and joint indicator of Vocational Education Quality Assessment implementation in Vocational Education Quality Assurance.


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