The regulations of modular vocational education are adopted
On 22 June 2017, the Saeima (the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia) adopted amendments to the Vocational Education Law, which define the general regulation of modular vocational education. The amendments define the module as part of the professional qualification. The module is based on achievable learning outcomes as an appreciable and demonstrable set of knowledge, skills and competences.
The module programme includes the objectives and tasks of the module, the results achieved by the module, the module content, the content acquisition plan, the evaluation criteria and procedure for the acquired education, and the list of methods and tools necessary for implementation of the programme. In its turn, the modular vocational education programme is a vocational education programmme, the vocational content of which, depending on the target set for the educational programmme, forms a set of modules and which, as a result of the acquisition, can acquire a professional qualification.
According to the amendments, if an module of accredited modular vocational education programme or several modules that are recognizable in the labor market but do not prove the acquisition of a professional qualification are acquired, an education institution issues a certificate for the acquisition of the module or related modules. The certificate should indicate the name of the education institution, the name, surname and the personal identity number of the learner, title of the accredited educational programme, the names of the completed modules, the achieved outcomes and evaluation, the time of acquisition, the name and surname of the head of the education institution, the issued certificate number and the date of issue.
Modular vocational education programmes can be implemented in vocational basic education, trade education, vocational secondary education and vocational further education.
The purpose of the development of modular vocational education programmes is to restructure the content of vocational education by introducing education programmes based on competences and outcomes that are achievable and encouraging the flexible linking of vocational education to the current requirements of the labor market in the particular sector and profession.
Amendments to the Vocational Education Law came into the force on 6 July 2017.
The Vocational Education Law (in Latvian) can be found here.
Source: Saeima
Tags: Amendments, Laws, learning outcomes, Modules