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Amendments approved to Cabinet of Ministers Regulations in terms of the modular vocational education

The amendments were made on 6 March 2018 changing the 2011 and 2014 regulations on unemployment reduction measures and raising the qualifications of the unemployed. The purpose of the amendments of Cabinet of Ministers Regulations is to increase the qualification and skills of the unemployed in line with labour market demand.

The amendments provide for the learning of continuing education programmes and professional improvement education programmes in the form of a modular education programmes. Modular approach in vocational education enables faster and more flexible responses to the growing needs in enterprises in terms of new skills and competences while also allowing the unemployed to learn more about shorter and more focused continuing education programmes offered by public and private education institutions.

Modular vocational education comprises learning modules for one or multiple vocational continuing education or professional improvement education programmes in accordance with the professional competences, skills and knowledge specified in the occupational qualification requirements. The costs for the implementation of modular vocational education programmes will be paid in proportion to the number of hours and hourly rates provided for the module in accordance with the procedures and amounts specified in the Cabinet of Ministers regulations.

Implementation of modular vocational education should not affect funding for learning activities because it is estimated that part of the unemployed will choose vocational education in form of modular education programmes instead of learning separate vocational education programmes.

Cabinet of Ministers regulations No. 134: “Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers regulations No. 75 of 25 January 2011 “Regulations on the active employment and unemployment reduction measures of organization and financing procedures and the principles for choosing the implementing measures”” (in Latvian).

Cabinet of Ministers regulations No. 135: “Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers regulations No. 836 of 23 December 2014” Operational programme “Growth and employment” 7.1.1. specific support objective for implementing regulations of “Increase qualifications and skills of the unemployment in line with labour market demand”” (in Latvian).

Source: Cabinet of Ministers


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