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Conference “The Role of Sectors and Employers in the Development of Vocational Education” (19.01.2012)

On January 19 (2012), the State Education Development Agency is arranging conference “The Role of Sectors and Employers in the Development of Vocational Education”, which will be held in Riga, Latvia. The State Education Development Agency is a state institution under the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science and is responsible for education policy development and implementation in various areas.

This event will focus on the process of sectoral research and its first results, as well as tasks of the Sectoral Expert Councils and their previous involvement in vocational education issues. The conference will include discussion on education system opportunities and needs of economy, implementation of efficient education and integral education and employment policy.

This conference is targeted at representatives from ministries, various sectors, employers’ organizations, trade unions and other social partners.

The conference is organized in terms of the ESF project “Development of sectoral qualifications system and increasing the efficiency and quality of vocational education” (2010-2013) that is implemented by the Agency in cooperation with the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, National Centre for Education, and State Education Quality Service.

More about the conference is here.

Source: VIAA


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