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Project about setting up a cooperation network in the system of non-formal learning recognition (2012-2013) was initiated

In March 2012, the EU Lifelong Learning Programme KA1-ECETA2 project “An integrated system for the recognition of non-formal learning: the establishment of the national cooperation network” (Val-Net) was initiated, and its activities will conclude on 28 February 2013.


The aims of this project are:

  1. To raise awareness concerning the recognition of non-formal and informal learning, as well as regarding the development of the European and national policy framework in Latvia;
  2. To promote cooperation between various levels of education system, e.g., between policy and practice levels;
  3. To develop a sustainable information exchange mechanism – cooperation network of national scale.

The topic of this project – the recognition of non-formal and informal learning linking general, vocational and higher education, lifelong learning and labour market – will be explored in to national level conferences, four regional forums, as well as during seminars and round-table discussions.

The Val-Net project is implemented by five partners – the National Library of Latvia (the coordinator), training and consulting centre Baltic Bright Ltd., the National Centre for Education, the Latvian Adult Education Association, the Library of Gulbene, – and by one associated partner – education association IFORTUM.

The first Val-Net project conference “The system for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning outcomes in Latvia” is planned on 13 June 2012.

The conference agenda is available here (in Latvian).

For more information contact the project coordinator Ms Marta Dziļuma (e-mail: marta.dziluma @, tel. 67365261).

Source: VISC


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