Publications 2004-2019
Spotlight on VET – 2018 compilationMarch 2019 EN |
Vocational education and training in Europe: Latvia 2018February 2019 EN |
Latvia – 2018 Skills forecastFebruary 2019 EN |
Guidance Cedefop public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Europe: LatviaDecember 2018 EN |
Guidance and outreach for inactive and unemployed in Latvia 2018 EN |
Latvia faces scarce VET supply November 2018 EN |
Latvia: sectoral qualifications frameworks support vocational education development
July 2018 EN |
Latvia: national skills competition SkillsLatvia 2018 May 2018 EN |
Developments in vocational education and training policy from 2015-17 in Latvia EN |
Vocational education and training in Latvia 2016EN |
Spotlight on VET Latvia 2016March 2017 EN |
Key competences in vocational education and training – Latvia 2016 EN |
Supporting teachers and trainers for successful reforms and quality of VET – Latvia 2016 EN |
European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning – Latvia 2016 EN |
Spotlight on VET Latvia 2015 |
Vocational education and training in Latvia 2015Short description |
Innovation in VET – Latvia 2014EN |
Apprenticeship-type schemes and structured work-based learning programmes – Latvia EN |
_______________________________________________________________ Latvian annual thematic overviews (2005-2008)_______________________________________________________________ Country reportsNEW Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 8th issue, 2018 EN Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 7th issue, 2016 EN Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 6th issue, 2014 EN Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 5th issue, 2013 EN Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 4th issue, 2012 EN Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 3rd issue, 2011 EN LV Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 2nd issue. 2010 Vocational education and training in Latvia. Country report. 1st issue. 2009
_______________________________________________________________ Policy reports:A bridge to the future: European policy for vocational education and training 2002-2010. 2010
_______________________________________________________________ National Research ReportNational Research Report (NRR) Latvia 2009 _______________________________________________________________ CEDEFOP publications translated to LatvianVocational education and training is good for you: The social benefits of VET for individuals, 2011. English Latvian Skills for green jobs, 2010. English Latvian European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning, 2009. English Latvian The shift to learning outcomes – Conceptual, political and practical developments in Europe, 2008. English Latvian _______________________________________________________________ CEDEFOP publicationsPublications
Building on years of joint work within the Copenhagen Process, European countries have now committed to common priorities lai Traditional learning and career pathways are being replaced by more dynamic, ‘patchier’ routes and shorter job tenures.
Briefing Notes
Building on years of joint work within the Copenhagen Process, European countries have now committed to common priorities lai Traditional learning and career pathways are being replaced by more dynamic, ‘patchier’ routes and shorter job tenures.